Marty wants to make a dog run in his backyard using the end of the garage as one side of the run if he has 113 1/3

Feet of fencing and the garage is 19
2/3 feet wide how long will the run be?

19 2/3 + x + x = 113 1/3

2x = 93 2/3

x = 46 5/6

To find the length of the dog run, we need to subtract the length of the garage from the total length of the fencing.

Step 1: Convert the length of the garage to a fraction.
The garage is 19 2/3 feet wide. We can convert this to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number part (19) by the denominator (3) and then adding the numerator (2). The result is (19 * 3) + 2 = 57 + 2 = 59. So, the width of the garage is 59/3 feet.

Step 2: Find the length of the dog run.
To find the length of the dog run, we subtract the length of the garage from the total length of the fencing.
Total length of fencing = 113 1/3 feet
Length of the garage = 59/3 feet

Subtracting the length of the garage from the total length of fencing:

113 1/3 - 59/3 = (340/3) - (59/3) = 281/3

Therefore, the length of the dog run will be 281/3 feet.