Two towns on a map are 5 inches apart. The scale on the map is 1 inch to 10 miles. What is the distance between the two towns in miles?

1in.:10miles = 5in.:____miles


To calculate the distance between the two towns in miles, we need to convert the measured distance on the map to the actual distance using the given scale.

The scale on the map is 1 inch to 10 miles. This means that for every 1 inch on the map, the actual distance is equal to 10 miles.

Since the two towns on the map are 5 inches apart, we can multiply this distance by the scale factor of 10 miles per inch:

5 inches * 10 miles/inch = 50 miles

Therefore, the distance between the two towns in miles is 50 miles.

To find the distance between the two towns in miles, we need to use the scale on the map.

First, we establish the scale: 1 inch on the map represents 10 miles in reality.

Next, we need to determine the distance between the towns on the map. In this case, the distance is given as 5 inches.

Now, we can use the scale to calculate the distance between the towns in miles:
5 inches on the map * 10 miles/inch = 50 miles

Therefore, the distance between the two towns in miles is 50 miles.