The outdoor temperature yesterday reached a low of -4.5 •f between what two integers was the temperature

to get the average -4.5, we know that the two integers are supposed to be -5,-4 because -5-4=-9 and devide into 2 =-4.5

help me with the hw

To determine between what two integers the temperature was between, we need to find the two closest integers that are less than and greater than -4.5 °F.

The two integers would be -5 and -4.

Therefore, the temperature yesterday was between -5 °F and -4 °F.

To find the integers between which the temperature fell, we need to identify the nearest lower and higher integers compared to -4.5 °F.

First, let's determine the nearest lower integer by rounding down -4.5. Rounding down means finding the whole number that is less than or equal to -4.5. In this case, the nearest lower integer to -4.5 is -5.

Next, let's determine the nearest higher integer by rounding up -4.5. Rounding up means finding the whole number that is greater than or equal to -4.5. In this case, the nearest higher integer to -4.5 is -4.

Therefore, the temperature of -4.5 °F fell between -5 and -4.