at your job you get paid $50 a week and $3.00 per sale how many sales do you need to make over $250.00

50 + 3x > 250


To solve this problem, you need to solve for x in this case.

You need to get the 3x by itself, which results in 3x > 200.

Then you would need to divide both sides by 3 to get the x by itself.
x > 66.66
And then you would need to find the closest number to 66.66.
67 > 66.66
Therefore, you would need to make at least 67 sales to make over $250.

To find out how many sales you need to make over $250.00, you can use a simple equation. Let's denote the number of sales you need as "x".

The equation can be written as:

Total earning = Fixed salary + (Earning per sale * Number of sales)

Given that your fixed salary is $50.00 and you earn $3.00 per sale, the equation becomes:

Total earning = $50.00 + ($3.00 * x)

To determine the number of sales needed to make over $250.00, we set up an inequality:

$250.00 ≤ $50.00 + ($3.00 * x)

By subtracting $50.00 from both sides, the inequality becomes:

$200.00 ≤ $3.00 * x

Now, divide both sides of the new inequality by $3.00 to solve for "x":

$200.00 ÷ $3.00 ≤ x

This simplifies to:

66.67 ≤ x

x represents the number of sales you need to make, so it should be a whole number. Therefore, you would need to make at least 67 sales in order to earn over $250.00 with your fixed salary of $50.00 per week.