What is the distance from kite C to fishing hook E

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To find the distance from kite C to fishing hook E, you need the coordinates or other relevant information about their locations. Once you have the coordinates, you can calculate the distance using the distance formula.

1. Determine the coordinates of kite C and fishing hook E:
- Let's assume kite C is located at coordinates (xC, yC).
- Let's assume fishing hook E is located at coordinates (xE, yE).

2. Apply the distance formula:
- The distance between two points (xC, yC) and (xE, yE) can be calculated using the distance formula:
d = √[(xE - xC)^2 + (yE - yC)^2]

3. Substitute the coordinates into the formula:
- Plug in the specific coordinates of kite C and fishing hook E into the distance formula.

4. Evaluate the equation and calculate the distance:
- After substituting the values, calculate the expression inside the square root.
- Take the square root of the result to obtain the distance.

By following these steps, you will be able to calculate the distance from kite C to fishing hook E.

about that far
