Andrew needs x dollars for a snack. Scott needs 2 more dollars than Andrew, but Nick only needs half as many dollars as Andrew. Altogether they need $17 to pay for their snacks. How many dollars does Nick need?

Thanks so much! Happy Halloween!

x + x + 2 + 0.5x = 17

2.5x = 15

x = $6.00

Let's solve this step-by-step:

Step 1: Let's assume Andrew needs x dollars.
Step 2: Scott needs 2 more dollars than Andrew, so Scott needs (x + 2) dollars.
Step 3: Nick needs half as many dollars as Andrew, so Nick needs (0.5x) dollars.
Step 4: Altogether, they need $17, so we can write the equation as:
x + (x + 2) + 0.5x = 17
Step 5: Simplifying the equation:
2.5x + 2 = 17
Step 6: Subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation:
2.5x = 15
Step 7: Dividing both sides by 2.5:
x = 6
Step 8: Now that we know Andrew needs $6, we can find out how much Nick needs by substituting x into the equation. Nick needs (0.5 * 6) dollars:
Nick needs 3 dollars.

Therefore, Nick needs $3.

To solve this problem, we can set up equations based on the given information. Let's use the variable "x" to represent how many dollars Andrew needs.

We know that Scott needs 2 more dollars than Andrew. So, Scott needs x + 2 dollars.

Nick needs half as many dollars as Andrew, which means Nick needs (1/2)x dollars.

To find the total amount they need, we add up the amounts for Andrew, Scott, and Nick, which adds up to $17.

So, the equation becomes:

x + (x+2) + (1/2)x = 17

To solve this equation, you can combine like terms:

2.5x + 2 = 17

Next, subtract 2 from both sides of the equation:

2.5x = 15

Divide both sides of the equation by 2.5:

x = 6

So, Andrew needs 6 dollars.

Now, to determine how many dollars Nick needs, substitute the value of x back into Nick's equation:

Nick needs (1/2) * 6 = 3 dollars.

Therefore, Nick needs 3 dollars for his snack.

Happy Halloween to you too!