Draw diagram to help find M angle ABD when M angle ABC equals 66 M angle ABD equals 5x + 3 and M angle DBC equals X plus 3

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To find angle ABD, we can start by setting up the given information on a diagram. Let's draw a triangle ABC, where angle ABC is given as 66 degrees.

/ \
/ \
A 66° C

Next, we are told that angle DBC is equal to x + 3. Let's label that on the diagram.

/ \
/ x+3\
A 66° C

Finally, we are given that angle ABD is equal to 5x + 3. Let's label that on the diagram as well.

/ \
/ x+3\
A 5x+3° C

Now, since we want to find the measure of angle ABD, we need to solve for x. We can do that by setting up an equation using the angles in a triangle.

In a triangle, the sum of all three angles is always 180 degrees. Therefore, we can write the equation:

angle ABC + angle DBC + angle ABD = 180°

Substituting the given values, we have:

66 + (x + 3) + (5x + 3) = 180

Now, we can solve this equation for x:

66 + x + 3 + 5x + 3 = 180
6x + 72 = 180
6x = 180 - 72
6x = 108
x = 108 / 6
x = 18

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation for angle ABD:

angle ABD = 5x + 3
angle ABD = 5(18) + 3
angle ABD = 90 + 3
angle ABD = 93 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle ABD is 93 degrees.