Saha spend 55% of her savings on a game. She has $135 remaining. how much was her savings before buying the game


To find out how much Saha's savings were before buying the game, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Let's assume Saha's initial savings were "x" dollars.
Step 2: Saha spent 55% of her savings on the game, which is (55/100) * x = 0.55x dollars.
Step 3: After buying the game, Saha has $135 remaining, so her savings after spending on the game is x - 0.55x = 0.45x dollars.
Step 4: We know that 0.45x dollars is equal to $135. Therefore, we can set up an equation: 0.45x = $135.
Step 5: Now we solve the equation for x by dividing both sides by 0.45: x = $135 / 0.45.
Step 6: Simplifying the equation, x = $300.

Therefore, Saha's savings before buying the game were $300.

How did you get that answer?

0.55x + 135 = x

135 = 0.45x

300 = x