1.Factor 3/4 out of 3/4z+6.

2.Factor 18x+6y using the GCF.

3.Factor −5 out of −10a−25.

I solved number 3 and got


-5(2a+5) is the one for 3


(3/4)z + 6
= (3/4)(x + 8)
check by expanding

18x + 6y
= 6(3x + y)

To factor out a common factor, you need to identify the largest number or term that can divide evenly into every term in the expression.

1. Factor out 3/4 from 3/4z + 6:
To factor out 3/4, divide each term by 3/4:
(3/4z)/(3/4) + (6)/(3/4)
Simplifying, we have:
z + 8

2. Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) from 18x + 6y:
The GCF of 18x and 6y is 6.
Divide each term by 6:
(18x)/(6) + (6y)/(6)
This simplifies to:
3x + y

3. Factor out -5 from -10a - 25:
To factor out -5, divide each term by -5:
(-10a)/(-5) - (25)/(-5)
This simplifies to:
2a + 5