a car at 54 km\h is 60 km behind a truck traveling at 10 m\s. how long will it take the car to reach the truck?

Considering that the speeds are in two different units, we have to convert. The conversion rate from km/h to m/s is 1 to 0.277778.

So the car's speed is 15 m/s.

The distance between the car and the truck is 60000 m.

This problem can be solved using a system of equations. Such as:

y = 15x - 60000 //The car.
y = 10x //The truck.

"x" is the time in seconds.

Using a graphing calculator and finding the point at which the two lines intersect, "x" is equal to 12000 seconds or 200 minutes or roughly 3 * (1/3) hours.