With which other reform leader did W.E.B. Dubois most agree about fighting social injustice?

A:Booker T. Washington

B:William Jennings Bryan

C:Susan B. Anthony***

The Populist Party lost in large in part as a result of?

A:Their refusal to endorse William Jennings Bryan

B:Their exclusion of African Americans

C:The 1896 election of McKinley**

D:The collapse of the gold standard

Farmers opposed the gold standard because they claimed it would?

A:Cause high inflation

B:Undermine the national economy

C:Make currency unstable

D:Cause prices of their crops to decline***

In which of the following areas did the Populist Party have the most interest?


B:Government regulation***



D:Takao Ozawa

The last question on here I changed my answer to finances. And the first question I change to Booker T. Washington.

Please help. I have been working on this test for a long time. I keep going back and forth with these questions...Thank you to any one who can help me...:o)

To determine the correct answer for each of these questions, we can use the process of elimination or refer to historical knowledge. Here's how to approach each question:

1. With which other reform leader did W.E.B. Dubois most agree about fighting social injustice?

To find the answer, we can eliminate options that were not closely aligned with W.E.B. Dubois' views on fighting social injustice. Based on historical knowledge, we know that W.E.B. Dubois had ideological differences with Booker T. Washington, who focused more on economic progress for African Americans rather than directly confronting social injustice. William Jennings Bryan was a political figure and advocate for workers' rights, but his focus was not specifically on fighting social injustice. Susan B. Anthony, however, was a prominent leader in the women's suffrage movement, which aimed to promote gender equality and fight social injustice. Thus, the correct answer is C: Susan B. Anthony.

2. The Populist Party lost in large part as a result of?

To find the correct answer, we can consider the historical context of the Populist Party and the factors that contributed to their decline. The Populists experienced a significant loss in the 1896 election, which marked the rise of Republican candidate William McKinley. This event is often cited as a major factor leading to the decline of the Populist Party. Therefore, the correct answer is C: The 1896 election of McKinley.

3. Farmers opposed the gold standard because they claimed it would?

To identify the answer, we need to understand the motivations and concerns of farmers during the time period when the gold standard was debated. Farmers often faced financial difficulties and volatility in crop prices. Therefore, they opposed the gold standard because they believed it would cause the prices of their crops to decline. This implies that the correct answer is D: Cause prices of their crops to decline.

4. In which of the following areas did the Populist Party have the most interest?

To determine the answer, we need to consider the main concerns and policy goals of the Populist Party during the late 19th century. The Populists were primarily focused on advocating for government regulation to address the interests of farmers and laborers. They aimed to challenge the economic and political influence of large corporations and promote policies that would benefit the working class. As such, the correct answer is B: Government regulation.

For the question about Takao Ozawa, I need more context to understand the question properly. Please provide additional information or rephrase the question.