If you traveled from 40 degrees North 80 degrees West to 35 degrees North 105 degrees W, in which direction would you have traveled?



To determine the direction of travel between two points on a map, you can use the concept of cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

In this case, the initial location is 40 degrees North 80 degrees West, and the final location is 35 degrees North 105 degrees West.

1. Start by comparing the latitude values:
- The initial latitude is 40 degrees North.
- The final latitude is 35 degrees North.

Since the latitude values have decreased from initial to final location, you traveled in a southerly direction.

2. Next, compare the longitude values:
- The initial longitude is 80 degrees West.
- The final longitude is 105 degrees West.

Since the longitude values have increased from initial to final location, you traveled in a westerly direction.

Combining the direction of travel based on latitude and longitude, you would have traveled in a southwesterly direction.

To determine the direction of your travel, you need to compare the changes in latitude and longitude.

From 40 degrees North 80 degrees West to 35 degrees North 105 degrees West, the latitude decreases from 40 degrees to 35 degrees, indicating a southward direction.

The longitude changes from 80 degrees West to 105 degrees West, indicating a westward direction.

Combining these changes, you can conclude that you have traveled in a southwest direction.