In 'first confession' Gran is described as a ?

A. Flat character <
B. Round character
C. Stock character
D. Antagonist <

I think it's either A or D... not sure which one

I went with A, it was correct!

To determine whether Gran from 'First Confession' is described as a flat character or an antagonist, we can analyze the characteristics and role of the character in the story.

A flat character is a type of character that lacks depth and complexity. They usually tend to have a limited range of traits and do not undergo significant changes throughout the story. On the other hand, an antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist and creates conflict in the narrative.

To decide between options A and D, you can look at Gran's role in the story and her development as a character. If Gran is portrayed as a complex and multifaceted character, with her own motivations and not solely serving as an antagonist, she would be a round character. However, if her role is mainly to create conflict and hinder the protagonist's goals without being well-developed herself, she would be more appropriately described as an antagonist.

To find the answer, you can closely analyze the story, paying attention to the description, actions, and impact of Gran's character. Look for any significant changes or depth in her characterization. Additionally, consider whether she is a well-rounded character or if her purpose is primarily to oppose the protagonist. This analysis will help you decide between options A and D.