what time on Friday is 10 hours 47 minutes before 09:26 on Saturday exactly on 24-hours watch?

To find the exact time 10 hours 47 minutes before 09:26 on Saturday, let's break it down step by step:

1. Convert the time to 24-hour format:
- 09:26 -> 09:26 (unchanged)

2. Subtract 10 hours and 47 minutes from the given time:
- Subtracting the minutes: 26 - 47 = -21
- Since we have a negative result, we need to borrow 1 hour.
- Subtracting the hours: 9 - 10 - 1 = -2

3. Adjust the negative hours and minutes:
- Adding 24 to the negative hours to get a positive value: -2 + 24 = 22
- Adding 60 to the negative minutes to get a positive value: -21 + 60 = 39

Therefore, 10 hours 47 minutes before 09:26 on Saturday is exactly 22:39 on Friday.