Graph the equation using the slope and the y-intercept.



The slope is 9/5, the y intercept is 5; we don't draw graphs, and the subject is spelled "algebra".

Thank for spelling that for me.

put a dot at (0,5)

from there go right 5 and up 9 and make another dot
draw a line through the two dots.

To graph the equation y = (9/5)x + 5 using the slope and the y-intercept, you will need to follow a few steps. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Identify the y-intercept
The y-intercept is a point where the line intersects the y-axis. In the equation y = (9/5)x + 5, the y-intercept is the value of y when x is equal to 0. So, in this case, the y-intercept is 5.

Step 2: Plot the y-intercept
On your graph paper, find the y-axis and plot a point at the y-intercept which is (0, 5).

Step 3: Determine the slope
The slope is represented by the coefficient of x in the equation. In this case, the slope is 9/5. The slope tells you how much the line changes vertically (up or down) for every 1 unit of change horizontally (to the right).

Step 4: Use the slope to find more points
From the y-intercept point, use the slope to find additional points on the line. Since the slope is 9/5, for every increase of 1 on the x-axis, the corresponding increase on the y-axis will be 9/5. So, starting from the y-intercept (0, 5), you can move up 9 units and then move 5 units to the right to plot another point, and so on.

Step 5: Connect the points
Once you have plotted a few points based on the y-intercept and the slope, connect them with a straight line. Make sure the line passes through all the points you've plotted.

Step 6: Label the graph
Label the x-axis and the y-axis on your graph paper. You can also add any additional labels or titles as per your requirement.

That's it! You have now graphed the equation y = (9/5)x + 5 using the slope and the y-intercept.