Why was Span One unique? ( The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses )


To understand why Span One was unique in "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses," we need to refer to the story or do some research on it.

First, we can try summarizing the story. "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" is a short story by Bessie Head. The narrative explores the life of a political prisoner named Span One, who is known for his distinctive glasses. The story is set in a prison in South Africa during the apartheid era, and it focuses on the dynamics between the prisoners, particularly their interactions with a prison guard named Van der Vyver.

One approach to understanding why Span One was unique is to analyze the traits, actions, or characteristics that set him apart from the other prisoners. It could be his intelligence, resilience, or unwavering commitment to his principles. Additionally, the reason behind his imprisonment or his relationship with Van der Vyver may also contribute to his uniqueness.

Another way to gain a better understanding would be to read or research further into the story. By analyzing the plot, character development, and author's intent, we can identify specific passages or moments that highlight why Span One is considered unique among the prisoners.

When answering questions about a specific story or literary work, it is crucial to consider the source material. By referring to the text or conducting further research, we can provide a more accurate and comprehensive explanation.