If my input is 0 and output is blank then my input is 1 and output 2 then input 3 output 22 input 4 output 32 how do i find the first output that is blank?

To find the first output that is blank in the given pattern, let's analyze the pattern step by step:

- When the input is 0, the output is blank.
- When the input is 1, the output is 2.
- When the input is 3, the output is 22.
- When the input is 4, the output is 32.

Based on this pattern, we can observe that the outputs seem to be related to the inputs in a specific way. Let's look at the relationship between the inputs and outputs:

- When the input is 1, the corresponding output is created by adding a 2 after the input (input + "2").
- When the input is 3, the corresponding output is formed by repeating the input twice and then appending "2" after it (input + input + "2").
- When the input is 4, the corresponding output is obtained by adding "2" after the input and reversing the order (input + "2" + input[::-1]).

Now, what we need to find is the first input that produces a blank output. From the given pattern, it is evident that the outputs are not predictable based on the inputs alone.

To find the first output that is blank, we will simply iterate through the inputs and calculate their corresponding outputs until we encounter a blank output. Let's do that:

1. Start with input = 0.
2. Calculate the output: Since the input is 0, the output is blank.
3. Check if the output is blank. If it is, then we have found the first output that is blank. If not, continue to the next step.
4. Increment the input by 1.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until we find a blank output.

By following these steps, you can find the first output that is blank in this specific pattern.