Why did Buddhism become popular in India 🇮🇳?


I went to that sight and it was total crap

I think you can use the index in your textbook to look this up. It is important you use what your school is teaching you because information is different depending on where you look.

Or you could just try studying and not cheating...

Sue do you live on here and this doesn't help your site is no help

Stop cheating

XD If this is for their homework it isn't cheating, also this is a site for help. People just happen to give answers instead of just giving help.

Yeah they happen to, but most people aren't really looking for help on here in the first place. also how is using answers from someone else on your homework "Not cheating"?

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Buddhism became popular in India due to several factors. Here's a breakdown of why Buddhism gained popularity:

1. The Teachings of Buddha: Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. His teachings offered an alternative to the prevalent Hindu religious traditions in India. Buddha's emphasis on personal transformation, liberation from suffering, and the concept of non-violence (ahimsa) resonated with many people seeking spiritual guidance.

2. Social and Political Climate: During the time of Buddha, India was undergoing significant social, economic, and political changes. The emergence of cities, the rise of a merchant class, and the decline of the traditional Vedic priestly class created a sense of disillusionment with the existing religious institutions. Buddhism provided an attractive alternative for those dissatisfied with the status quo.

3. Opposition to the Caste System: The caste system in India created a rigid social hierarchy, perpetuating discrimination and inequality. Buddhism challenged the caste system by emphasizing the equality and inherent worth of all individuals. This message appealed to the lower castes and marginalized sections of society who found solace and equality within the Buddhist teachings.

4. Monastic Order: Buddhism established a strong monastic order of monks and nuns who lived simple and disciplined lives. The monastic setup offered a structured and organized community where people could seek spiritual guidance and live a renounced life away from worldly distractions. This attracted a significant number of people searching for a higher purpose in life.

5. Royal Patronage: Buddhism received patronage from various rulers, such as Emperor Ashoka who embraced Buddhism after witnessing the horrors of war. The support and endorsement of powerful rulers helped propagate Buddhism and provided resources for the establishment of monasteries, universities, and promotion of Buddhist teachings.

It is important to note that although Buddhism originated in India, its popularity declined in its country of origin over time, while spreading to other parts of Asia, where it flourished and became deeply ingrained in the cultures of those regions.