How does Governor O'Reilly differ from Governors Ulloa and Unzaga?

1. O'Reilly was a military leader 2. O'Reilly inspected the forts
3. O'Reilly wanted to improve relations withthe Native America.
4. O'Reilly was authoritative
I think it is 3. Am I correct?

That sounds right to me.

I never heard of these governors until I looked them up on Google. This site may help you.

Yes, you are correct. Governor O'Reilly differed from Governors Ulloa and Unzaga primarily in terms of their approach to Native American relations. O'Reilly wanted to improve relations with the Native Americans, while Ulloa and Unzaga did not prioritize this aspect as much.

To arrive at this answer, you identified four key characteristics or actions that differentiate O'Reilly from the other governors:

1. O'Reilly was a military leader: Although this is a distinguishing factor, it does not specifically answer the question about their differences in relation to Native Americans.

2. O'Reilly inspected the forts: While this is true and showcases O'Reilly's actions as governor, it does not directly address their differences concerning Native American relations.

3. O'Reilly wanted to improve relations with Native Americans: This directly addresses the question and presents a clear difference between O'Reilly and the other governors.

4. O'Reilly was authoritative: Although this adds additional information about O'Reilly's leadership style, it does not distinctly explain the differences in Native American relations.

Considering the given information, Option 3, which highlights O'Reilly's desire to improve relations with Native Americans, is the correct answer.