1. What should be avoided at mealtime?

A. praising the host
B. having a second helping
C. tasting everything
D. starting to eat before others***

The correct answer is D. starting to eat before others.

To arrive at this answer, you can use common knowledge about dining etiquette. When you are a guest at a meal, it is considered polite to wait until everyone is seated and has been served before you begin eating. This shows respect for the host and acknowledges the communal nature of the meal.

For this question, option A (praising the host), option B (having a second helping), and option C (tasting everything) are not related to proper table manners and are not generally considered to be things to avoid at mealtime. However, starting to eat before others is a specific behavior that is generally discouraged.

It's important to note that dining customs can vary depending on cultural norms and individual circumstances, so it is always a good idea to be aware of and respect the practices of the specific dining situation you find yourself in.
