In 1924, the temperature in Fairfield, Montana, dropped from 63 degrees to -21 degrees in 12 hours. What was the average hourly change in temperature.

Thank you

average hourly change = (-21 - 63)/12 degrees/hr


I need answers

To find the average hourly change in temperature, we can divide the total change in temperature by the number of hours it took for the change to occur.

First, let's calculate the total change in temperature by subtracting the initial temperature from the final temperature: -21 degrees - 63 degrees = -84 degrees.

Next, we need to determine the number of hours it took for the temperature to change. The question states that the change occurred in 12 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average hourly change in temperature by dividing the total change in temperature by the number of hours: -84 degrees / 12 hours = -7 degrees per hour.

Therefore, the average hourly change in temperature in Fairfield, Montana, in 1924 was -7 degrees per hour.