On average a family of four consums 247.2 gallons of water per day. Calculate the quarterly bill for family of four

How much do they pay for the water?

To calculate the quarterly bill for a family of four, we need to determine the total water consumption for a quarter (three months) and then multiply it by the cost per gallon of water.

Step 1: Calculate the daily water consumption
Given that a family of four consumes an average of 247.2 gallons of water per day, we can multiply this value by the number of days in a quarter (assuming a quarter has 90 days).

Daily water consumption = 247.2 gallons
Quarterly water consumption = Daily water consumption * Number of days in a quarter

Quarterly water consumption = 247.2 gallons * 90 days

Step 2: Determine the cost per gallon of water
To calculate the cost per gallon of water, you would need to check your water bill or contact your local water supply company. The cost may vary depending on where you live. Let's assume the cost is $0.015 per gallon.

Cost per gallon = $0.015

Step 3: Calculate the quarterly bill
To calculate the quarterly bill, we multiply the quarterly water consumption by the cost per gallon:

Quarterly bill = Quarterly water consumption * Cost per gallon of water

Quarterly bill = (247.2 gallons * 90 days) * $0.015 per gallon

Now you can substitute the values from step 1 and step 2 into the equation to find the final answer.