10.   What is 0.000750 in scientific notation?  

75 × 10–4

7.5 × 10–3

7.5 × 10–4

7.5 × 10–5

11.   What is  written as a decimal?  (1 point)





12.   The 2010 census data for the populations of three states is shown below. According to the data, which of the following statements is true?
2.5 × 107
1.9 × 107
1.6 × 106
 (1 point)

Idaho has a larger population than Florida.

Florida has a larger population than Texas.

Idaho has the smallest population.

Florida has the largest population.

13.   What is 2.28 × 10–8 in standard form?  (1 point)





14.   Which of the following is an example of an irrational number?  (1 point)



15.   Which number is equivalent to 0.3?  (1 point)

16.   Riding the bus, Roger uses  of his money for bus fare. What is the fraction of his money expressed as a decimal?  (1 point)

17.   Ashley is making cookies. The recipe calls for  of a cup of sugar. She needs to make five batches of cookies. How many cups of sugar does Ashley need?  (1 point)

3 cups

3  cups

3  cups

3  cups

18.    +  =  (1 point)

19.    + () =  (1 point)


20.    3– 2 =  (1 point)

21.    • –  (1 point)


22.   ÷  =  (1 point)

23.   A length of ribbon is  yd long. How many pieces  yd long can Joy cut from the length of ribbon?  (1 point)





24.    ÷  =  (1 point)



tfw your trying to cheat, come across a list of questions fitting your test and and then theres no answers

You need help?

What kind of help do you want?

Do you even realize how much is missing from many of your questions?

10. To express 0.000750 in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until we have a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we move the decimal point four places to the right, resulting in 0.00750. Since we moved the decimal point to the right four places, we use a negative exponent of 4. Therefore, 0.000750 in scientific notation is 7.5 × 10^(-4).

11. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we need to look at the place value of the digit after the decimal point. In this case, the digit after the decimal point is 5, which means the decimal is rounded to the nearest tenth. Since 4 is less than 5, we round down to 4. Therefore, the decimal 4.5 is equivalent to the fraction 4 1/2.

12. To compare the populations of the three states, we can directly compare the numbers in standard form. Texas has a population of 2.5 × 10^7, Florida has a population of 1.9 × 10^7, and Idaho has a population of 1.6 × 10^6. Comparing the numbers, we can see that Texas has the largest population since 2.5 × 10^7 is larger than both 1.9 × 10^7 and 1.6 × 10^6. Therefore, the statement "Florida has the largest population" is true.

13. To convert a number in scientific notation to standard form, we need to multiply the decimal part by the power of 10. In this case, 2.28 × 10^(-8) can be expressed as 0.0000000228 by moving the decimal point 8 places to the right. Therefore, 2.28 × 10^(-8) in standard form is 0.0000000228.

14. An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a terminating or repeating decimal. Therefore, out of the given options, 1.414213562.. is an example of an irrational number. This number is the decimal representation of the square root of 2, which is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal.

15. The number 0.3 is already a decimal. Therefore, the number equivalent to 0.3 is 0.3 itself.

16. The fraction of money that Roger uses for bus fare can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the numerator (amount of money used for bus fare) by the denominator (total amount of money). Since the fraction is not provided in the question, we cannot determine the decimal value.

17. To find out how many cups of sugar Ashley needs for five batches of cookies, we need to multiply the given fraction (1/3 of a cup of sugar) by 5 (number of batches). 1/3 multiplied by 5 is 5/3 or 1 2/3. Therefore, Ashley needs 1 2/3 cups of sugar.

18. The addition problem 5 + 3 equals 8.

19. The addition problem 3 + 1 equals 4.

20. The subtraction problem 3 - 2 equals 1.

21. The multiplication problem 1 * (-1) equals -1.

22. The division problem 9 ÷ 3 equals 3.

23. If the length of ribbon is 4 yd long and Joy needs to cut pieces that are 1 yd long, she can cut 4 pieces. Therefore, Joy can cut 4 pieces of ribbon.

24. The division problem -20 ÷ 5 equals -4.