the sum of two numbers is 31. 2/3 of one of the numbers added is equal to 5/8 of the other.find the two numbers

n + m = 31

2n/3 ÷ 5m/8
3/2× 5/8 = 15m/16n
15m +16n= 31
Answer= 15,16
This is the correct answer

(2/3)x = (5/8)(31-x)

Thanks so much i got it


Cross multiply
The Answer is 15x,16y

thanks a lot.

thanks a lot

The sum of two numbers is 31.2/3 of one of the numbers is equal to 5/8 .find the two numbers

To find the two numbers, let's assign variables to them. Let's say one number is x and the other number is y.

From the problem, we know that the sum of the two numbers is 31. So we can write the equation:
x + y = 31

We are also given that 2/3 of one of the numbers added to the other number is equal to 5/8 of the other number. So we can write the equation:
(2/3)x + y = (5/8)y

Now we have a system of equations with two variables (x and y). We can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination.

Let's use substitution method to solve the system:

Rearrange the first equation to solve for x:
x = 31 - y

Substitute this value of x in the second equation:
(2/3)(31 - y) + y = (5/8)y

Multiply through by 24 to get rid of fractions:
16(31 - y) + 24y = 15y

Distribute and simplify:
496 - 16y + 24y = 15y
496 + 8y = 15y
496 = 7y
y = 496/7
y = 71.14 (rounded to two decimal places)

Substitute this value of y back into the first equation to find x:
x + 71.14 = 31
x = 31 - 71.14
x = -40.14 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the two numbers are approximately -40.14 and 71.14.

Irrational is the correct answer
