in a 400ml can of mixed juice, 41% is MAngo Juice, 3205% is pineapple juice and the rest is water. find the volume of Mango, pineapple and water ?

You appear to have a typo ---- 3205% ????

To find the volumes of mango juice, pineapple juice, and water in a 400ml can of mixed juice, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the volume of mango juice:
Multiply the total volume of the can (400ml) by the percentage of mango juice (41%):
400 ml x 41% = 164 ml

Therefore, the volume of mango juice is 164 ml.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of pineapple juice:
Multiply the total volume of the can (400ml) by the percentage of pineapple juice (32.05%):
400 ml x 32.05% = 128.20 ml

Therefore, the volume of pineapple juice is 128.20 ml.

Step 3: Calculate the volume of water:
To find the volume of water, subtract the sum of mango juice and pineapple juice from the total volume of the can:
400 ml - 164 ml - 128.20 ml = 107.80 ml

Therefore, the volume of water is 107.80 ml.

So, in a 400ml can of mixed juice, the volume of mango juice is 164ml, the volume of pineapple juice is 128.20ml, and the volume of water is 107.80ml.