Fishing hook E is dropped 2.5 times its present depth. where is fishing hook E now?


is the answer -4.14 or -17.75

-7.1 * 2.5 = -17.75

-17.75 + (-7.1) = -24.85

its 17.75

IT IS -17.75


To determine the new position of fishing hook E after being dropped 2.5 times its present depth, you need to multiply its current depth by 2.5 and subtract that value from its current depth.

Since the current depth of fishing hook E is -7.1, we can calculate the new depth as follows:

New Depth = Current Depth - (Current Depth * 2.5)

New Depth = -7.1 - (-7.1 * 2.5)

New Depth = -7.1 + (17.75)

New Depth = 10.65

Therefore, the new position of fishing hook E is 10.65.

So, neither of the answers you provided, -4.14 or -17.75 is correct. The correct answer is 10.65.

its -24. 85

Its -24.85