I need to know who makes and how the desicion to stay on a Indian reservation if I know who I could search for how they decide. stumped please help.

It's a free country. No native HAS to stay on the reservation. Initially the natives were rounded up and forced to stay there. Now that is not the case (thankfully)

Please read:

Many residents of reservations stay because they want to live in their own culture. Also -- some are now starting their own businesses and encouraging tourism. These sites give several reasons why people stay on the reservations.




The decision to stay on an Indian reservation is ultimately made by the individual or family involved. Previously, Native Americans were forcibly relocated to reservations by the government, but today there is no requirement for them to stay on the reservations.

However, many Native Americans choose to remain on the reservations for various reasons. Some individuals prefer to live in their own culture and maintain a connection to their heritage. Additionally, some are involved in starting their own businesses and promoting tourism within the reservation, which provides economic opportunities and a sense of community.

If you are looking for a specific person or organization that is responsible for making decisions related to a particular Indian reservation, you can start by conducting a search on the internet. You can try searching for the specific reservation name or tribal council to find information about the governing body responsible for making decisions within that community. Additionally, you can consult resources such as government websites, official tribal websites, or local Native American organizations for more specific information.