A total of 45 412 runners participated in the Vancouver Sun Run. Of these runners, 0.85% completed the run in under 40 min. How many runners completed in under 40 mins?

In fact, 0.13% of the runners completed the run in less than 34 min. How many runners were in this group?

To find the number of runners who completed the run in under 40 minutes, we need to multiply the total number of runners by the percentage who completed the run under 40 minutes.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form.
0.85% = 0.85/100 = 0.0085

Step 2: Calculate the number of runners who completed the run in under 40 minutes.
0.0085 * 45412 = 387.002

So, approximately 387 runners completed the run in under 40 minutes.

To find the number of runners who completed the run in less than 34 minutes, we follow the same process.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form.
0.13% = 0.13/100 = 0.0013

Step 2: Calculate the number of runners who completed the run in less than 34 minutes.
0.0013 * 45412 = 59.0356

So, approximately 59 runners completed the run in less than 34 minutes.

To find the number of runners who completed the run in under 40 minutes, you need to calculate 0.85% of the total number of runners.

First, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 0.85 / 100 = 0.0085.

Next, multiply this decimal by the total number of runners: 0.0085 * 45,412 = 386.102.

Since you can't have a fraction of a runner, round the number to the nearest whole number: 386.

Therefore, there were 386 runners who completed the run in under 40 minutes.

Similarly, to find the number of runners who completed the run in under 34 minutes, follow the same process.

Convert 0.13% to a decimal: 0.13 / 100 = 0.0013.

Multiply this decimal by the total number of runners: 0.0013 * 45,412 = 59.034.

Round this number to the nearest whole number: 59.

Therefore, there were 59 runners who completed the run in under 34 minutes.

just multiply by 45 512.