Does writing an expository paragraph or writing a literary paragraph or writing a persuasive paragraph come first alphabetically?



Alright thanks. How did you figure that out? Like I dont understand.

I'm not sure what you mean by "come first alphabetically"? Are you supposed to be alphabetizing a list?

I don't really know. I already answered the question. And I'll see if its right at the end of day.

If you were to alphabetize these terms, I'm putting them in alpha order:


i want to write a paragraph using these words : apparel, receded, misgiving

To determine which type of paragraph comes first alphabetically, we can compare the first letters of each type: expository, literary, and persuasive.

The word "expository" starts with the letter "e".
The word "literary" starts with the letter "l".
The word "persuasive" starts with the letter "p".

When we compare these letters in alphabetical order, "e" comes before "l" and "p". Therefore, "expository paragraph" comes first alphabetically among the given options.

To complete this task on your own, you can follow these steps:
1. Write out the three types of paragraphs: expository, literary, and persuasive.
2. Identify the first letter of each type.
3. Compare the letters in alphabetical order.
4. Determine which letter comes first.

Remember, this method can be used to determine the alphabetical order of any words or phrases.