Where can I find a listing of George W. Bush's original cabinet choices. I already have the current ones. Also I need to list the year and administration in which the positions were created and a brief description of the roles, responsibilities and functions of the Department - Secretary of State, Secretary of treasury, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of H.U.D., Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security. Please tell me where to go.

This should tell you all, plus changes that were made for various reasons.


These sites should give you the job descriptions of those Depts.


To find a listing of George W. Bush's original cabinet choices, you can visit the Wikipedia page titled "George W. Bush's first term to second-term cabinet reorganization." This page provides a comprehensive list of his original cabinet choices and any changes that were made during his administration.

As for the year and administration in which the positions were created, you can refer to the same Wikipedia page mentioned earlier. It should have the relevant information.

To learn about the roles, responsibilities, and functions of each department and its corresponding Secretary, you can visit the official White House website or the Library of Congress website. The White House website has a section called "Government" that provides information about the various departments and their functions. The Library of Congress website also has a section dedicated to federal government information.

By referring to these sources, you should be able to find all the information you need about George W. Bush's original cabinet choices, the year and administration the positions were created, and the descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of each department.