Solve the following

2w^3 4c^3t^2
_____ - ________
9c^3d^3 3b^2d^2

To solve the expression (2w^3 * 4c^3t^2) / (9c^3d^3 - 3b^2d^2), we'll simplify the numerator and the denominator separately, then divide the numerator by the denominator.

Let's start by simplifying the numerator:

2w^3 * 4c^3t^2 = 8w^3c^3t^2

Now, let's simplify the denominator:

9c^3d^3 - 3b^2d^2

Since the denominator has two terms, we'll first factor out any common factors between the two terms:

9c^3d^3 - 3b^2d^2 = 3d^2(3c^3d - b^2)

Now that we have simplified the numerator and the denominator, we can rewrite the expression as:

(8w^3c^3t^2) / (3d^2(3c^3d - b^2))

Finally, since this is a division problem, we can rewrite it as multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the denominator:

(8w^3c^3t^2) * (1 / (3d^2(3c^3d - b^2)))

So, the simplified expression is:

(8w^3c^3t^2) / (3d^2(3c^3d - b^2))

Please note that if you need to solve the expression further, you would need actual values for the variables w, c, t, d, and b.