A farmer plants pine trees.

If he plants 5 rows of 4 trees
How is it possible for him to have only planted 10 trees ?

Draw a diagram



*-* *-*
Best I can do to make five pointed star intersections

To visualize the arrangement of the trees, let's represent each tree with a dot ('•'). According to the information given, the farmer plants 5 rows of trees, with each row containing 4 trees. We'll use 'X' to denote an empty space without a tree. Here's how the arrangement would look:

Row 1: • • • •
Row 2: • • • •
Row 3: • • • •
Row 4: • • • •
Row 5: X X X X

In this configuration, the farmer has indeed only planted 10 trees. The last row has no trees planted, which accounts for the remaining 10 empty spaces that are marked with 'X'.