1. Why was capturing Quebec so important to the British during the French and Indian War? (1 point)

By gaining control of Quebec, the British could increase financial and military support from the colonists.
By gaining control of Quebec, the British would disrupt French supplies from reaching forts further north.
Without capturing Quebec, the British would have to admit defeat and surrender to the French.
Without capturing Quebec, the British would be unable to keep Fort Ticonderoga under their command.
2. Even though the British lost the battle at Fort Necessity, why was it significant? (1 point)
It sparked outrage in the colonists who rebelled against the British for fighting in the French and Indian War.
It marked the beginning of Washington’s leadership in the French and Indian War
It set the stage for the rest of the war, setting up the French for victory
It prompted the Iroquois and Algonquins to join forces to defeat the French.
3. What did Parliament do as a result of the colonists’ petition to reject the Stamp Act and boycott British goods and services? (1 point)
It declared war on the colonists.
It sent troops to surround Boston harbor.
It repealed the Stamp Act, ending most taxes.
It increased taxes on the colonists.
4. The Sugar Act was a new tax on molasses, but it actually lowered an earlier tax. What were the colonists doing in response to the earlier tax that the Sugar Act tried to stop? (1 point)
declaring independence from Britain
paying only a portion of it
holding protests and riots
avoiding it by smuggling molasses
5. How did the Stamp Act contribute to the Boston Massacre? (1 point)
British officials ordered their troops to fire upon any colonists who opposed the Stamp Act, which led to the massacre.
Colonists angered by British taxes took out their frustrations on British troops, which eventually led to them firing at the colonists.
British troops stationed in Boston enforced heavier taxes on colonists than the Stamp Act allowed, which led to the clash.
Colonists boycotted items on which the Stamp Act was imposed, which was illegal under British law and punishable by death
6. What event led to the first shots being fired at the battles of Lexington and Concord? (1 point)
the attempt by the British to seize colonial military stores
the rejection of the Olive Branch Petition by King George III
the writing and public reading of the Declaration of Independence
the blockade of the port of Boston by the British navy
An infographic titled The Rising Tide of Conflict lists and describes taxes and laws passed by Parliament that angered the colonists.
Six different events or acts and the results of each are shown.

Proclamation of 1763 – Restricted the movement of colonists west. Result – Families were forced to leave their homes. Colonial expansion ends.

Sugar Act, 1764 – Reduced molasses tax and prosecuted smugglers. Result – Colonists resented the tax and it was repealed in 1766.

Stamp Act, 1765 – Taxed all printed paper – legal documents, newspapers, even playing cards. Result – Tax collectors were attacked and colonists stage violent protests. Act repeated in 1766.

Quartering Act, 1765 – Forced colonists to house British soldiers and provide them food, drink, other supplies. Result – Colonists support for British soldiers turned to resentment. Act expired in 1767.

Townshend Acts, 1767 – New taxes and British soldiers could search property to look for smuggled goods. Result – Boycotts and protests; Acts repealed in 1770.

Tea Act, 1773 – Allowed British merchants to bypass colonial merchants and sell lower-priced tea directly to colonists. Result – Colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor in protest.

Use the image to answer the question.

7. Which statement best sums up the information on the chart? (1 point)
Colonists were able to overturn every law imposed by Britain.
Nearly every British law resulted in colonial protest.
Every British law caused the colonists to lose money.
With every law Britain passed, colonists became more obedient.
8. What were some of the advantages the Continental Army had over the British? Select all that apply. (2 points)
fighting on familiar territory
a large navy
more troops
better supplies
“By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world.”

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

9. These lines are from a hymn written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1837.
To what do the lines refer?

(1 point)
the beginning of the Revolutionary War
Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River before the battle of Trenton
the battle at the Boston harbor
the end of the Revolutionary War
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. —The Declaration of Independence

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

10. Which of the following is an example of an unalienable right as the term is used in the Declaration of Independence? (1 point)
refusing to pay unjust taxes
breaking the law
choosing a religion
deciding not to attend school
11. According to Thomas Paine's point of view in Common Sense, why did colonists not owe the British for their help? (1 point)
The British had not actually done anything to help the colonists.
The British wanted to go to war with America.
The British had helped the colonists only to profit from America.
The British were attempting to put the colonists in poverty.
12. American colonists felt they were subject to a tyrannical king. As a result, which of the following elements did they put into the Declaration of Independence? (1 point)
grievances against the king and an announcement they would establish a republic based upon the consent of the governed
a Bill of Rights and an announcement they would establish a republic based upon the consent of the governed
an official request of the king for permission to allow them to govern themselves
a Bill of Rights and a method to establish three branches of government
13. Which actions by the British and the southern Loyalists caused many colonists to side with the Patriots? (1 point)
conducting raids on the major supply ports along the coast
killing innocent colonists in the western frontier
establishing alliances with southern Native American groups
carrying out brutal attacks during the campaign in the Carolinas
14. When did the French decide to send help to the Americans during the Revolutionary War? (1 point)
after the Battle of Saratoga
after the Battle of Concord
after the Battle of Lexington
after the Second Continental Congress
15. Why was it important for women to take on the work of the men who were fighting in the revolution? (1 point)
to maintain the jobs for their husbands for their return
to show their support for the Patriots’ cause
to ensure the survival of their families and the troops
to prevent the loss of property to the British government

If your in connexus academy

100% correct

cardi b is wrong i got 3/15

okkuuurrr thanks cardi one hundoo


1. The correct answer is: By gaining control of Quebec, the British would disrupt French supplies from reaching forts further north. The British considered capturing Quebec to be important because it would cut off the flow of supplies from the French to their forts in northern areas, weakening the French position in the war.

2. The correct answer is: It marked the beginning of Washington’s leadership in the French and Indian War. The significance of the battle at Fort Necessity was that it marked the beginning of George Washington's military leadership in the French and Indian War. It was one of his first major military engagements.

3. The correct answer is: It repealed the Stamp Act, ending most taxes. In response to the colonists' petition to reject the Stamp Act and boycott British goods and services, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, putting an end to most taxes imposed on the colonists.

4. The correct answer is: avoiding it by smuggling molasses. In response to an earlier tax on molasses, which the Sugar Act tried to stop, the colonists were avoiding the tax by smuggling molasses.

5. The correct answer is: Colonists angered by British taxes took out their frustrations on British troops, which eventually led to them firing at the colonists. The Stamp Act contributed to the Boston Massacre because colonists, angered by British taxes, took out their frustrations on British troops stationed in Boston. This eventually led to a clash between the colonists and the troops, resulting in the Boston Massacre.

6. The correct answer is: the attempt by the British to seize colonial military stores. The first shots at the battles of Lexington and Concord were fired in response to the attempt by the British to seize colonial military stores. This act of aggression by the British sparked the beginning of the American Revolution.

7. The correct answer is: Nearly every British law resulted in colonial protest. The information on the chart shows that nearly every British law imposed on the colonists resulted in colonial protest. The colonists were consistently angered and resentful of the laws and taxes imposed by Britain.

8. The correct answers are: fighting on familiar territory, more troops. Some advantages the Continental Army had over the British during the American Revolution were fighting on familiar territory and having more troops. These factors contributed to the eventual success of the colonists in their fight for independence.

9. The correct answer is: the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The lines from the hymn written by Ralph Waldo Emerson refer to the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The "shot heard round the world" is a reference to the first shots fired in the American Revolution.

10. The correct answer is: choosing a religion. Choosing a religion is an example of an unalienable right as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Unalienable rights are seen as inherent and cannot be taken away by government or other entities.

11. The correct answer is: The British had helped the colonists only to profit from America. According to Thomas Paine's point of view in Common Sense, the colonists did not owe the British for their help because the British had helped the colonists only to profit from America.

12. The correct answer is: grievances against the king and an announcement they would establish a republic based upon the consent of the governed. In the Declaration of Independence, the American colonists expressed their grievances against the king and announced their intention to establish a republic based on the consent of the governed.

13. The correct answer is: carrying out brutal attacks during the campaign in the Carolinas. The actions by the British and the southern Loyalists, including carrying out brutal attacks during the campaign in the Carolinas, caused many colonists to side with the Patriots. These actions created a sense of injustice and brutality that pushed colonists towards supporting the revolutionary cause.

14. The correct answer is: after the Battle of Saratoga. The French decided to send help to the Americans during the Revolutionary War after the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga. This victory was a turning point in the war and convinced the French that the Americans had a chance at winning the war.

15. The correct answer is: to ensure the survival of their families and the troops. It was important for women to take on the work of the men who were fighting in the revolution in order to ensure the survival of their families and the troops. Women played a vital role in supporting the war effort by taking on various responsibilities in their absence.

1. B

2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A C
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. C

Hope this helped! :D 100% I promise



#1 pleb is right I got 100%

You copied and pasted the entire test? Without indicating what YOU THINK at all??

Didn't you read this before you hit that Submit button?
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