Which event within a state will most likely require the involvement of the federal government

A.A corporation is created
B.The state constitution is amended
C.A boundary with a nearby state is disputed
D. The rules for obtaining a drivers licence change

Based on what Writeacher said C. A boundary with a nearby state is disputed would be the best answer.

Please forgive me if i'm wrong, was just going off of what Writeacher said.

Hope this helps! c:

Is the answer is C, a boundary within a nearby state is disputed?

Is it b?


Which one involves people inside and people outside a state?

Can someone please answer it


The event within a state that will most likely require the involvement of the federal government is when a boundary with a nearby state is disputed. In such cases, the involvement of the federal government becomes necessary because the Constitution grants the federal government the authority to resolve disputes between states.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the options provided and determine which scenarios are more likely to involve federal government intervention. Here's a breakdown of each option and the reasoning behind the answer:

A. A corporation is created: Creating a corporation is generally governed by state laws and regulations. While there are some federal laws related to corporations, they primarily deal with specific issues such as antitrust regulations or securities laws. In most cases, the creation of a corporation does not require direct involvement from the federal government.

B. The state constitution is amended: Amending a state constitution is a matter of state governance. It falls under the purview of the state government and its legislative processes. The federal government does not have direct authority over state constitutions, so it is less likely to be involved in this event.

C. A boundary with a nearby state is disputed: Disputes between states over boundaries fall under interstate conflicts. In such cases, the federal government has jurisdiction and authority to intervene and help resolve the dispute. The Constitution grants the federal government the power to regulate commerce, ensure domestic tranquility, and settle disputes between states, making it highly likely that the federal government will be involved.

D. The rules for obtaining a driver's license change: Driver's license requirements are generally determined by state laws, including eligibility criteria, testing processes, and license classification. While the federal government does provide guidelines and minimum standards for driver's licenses through the REAL ID Act, the actual rules and implementation are managed by each individual state. Therefore, changes to these rules are primarily handled at the state level, and involvement from the federal government is less likely.

In conclusion, out of the given options, a boundary dispute with a nearby state is the event within a state that is most likely to require the involvement of the federal government.