A vehicle having mass of 1000kg is running with a speed of 5m/s.After apply the force of 1000N for 10sec what will be the speed of vehicle(15m/s)

To determine the final speed of a vehicle after applying a certain force for a given time period, you need to use Newton's second law of motion.

Newton's second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to the product of its mass and acceleration. In mathematical form, it can be written as:
F = m * a

F is the net force applied to the object
m is the mass of the object
a is the acceleration produced

In this case, the force applied to the vehicle is 1000N, and the mass of the vehicle is 1000kg. The time for which the force is applied is 10 seconds.

First, let's calculate the acceleration produced using Newton's second law. Rearranging the formula, we have:
a = F / m

Substituting the given values, we get:
a = 1000N / 1000kg
a = 1 m/s^2

Next, use the equation of motion to calculate the final velocity of the vehicle. The equation is:
v = u + a * t

v is the final velocity
u is the initial velocity
a is the acceleration
t is the time

In this case, the initial velocity (u) is 5 m/s, the acceleration (a) is 1 m/s^2, and the time (t) is 10 seconds.

Substituting the values, we get:
v = 5 m/s + 1 m/s^2 * 10 s
v = 5 m/s + 10 m/s
v = 15 m/s

Therefore, the final speed of the vehicle after applying a force of 1000N for 10 seconds would be 15 m/s.