At the start of a party, a bowl contains 16 pints of punch. Guests drink 10 1/4 pints. Then the host adds another 7 1/2 pints to the bowl. How much punch is in the bowl now?

15 4/4 -10 1/4 = 5 3/4

5 3/4 + 7 2/4 = 12 5/4 = 13 1/4

I don't know but I think its 13 1/4

To find the total amount of punch in the bowl now, we need to add the amount of punch that was initially in the bowl, the amount that was consumed, and the amount that was added by the host.

1. Start with the initial amount of punch in the bowl, which is 16 pints.
2. Subtract the amount of punch that was consumed by the guests, which is 10 1/4 pints. To subtract a mixed number, we need to convert it to an improper fraction. 10 1/4 is equal to (10 * 4 + 1) / 4 = 41/4. Subtracting 41/4 from 16, we get 16 - 41/4 = 64/4 - 41/4 = 23/4 pints.
3. Add the amount of punch that was added by the host, which is 7 1/2 pints. Again, convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. 7 1/2 is equal to (7 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 15/2. Adding 23/4 and 15/2, we get a common denominator of 4, so the sum becomes (23/4) + (15/4) = 38/4 pints.
4. Simplify the fraction 38/4 to the lowest terms. Both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 2, so we can divide both by 2. This gives us 19/2 pints.
5. The final answer is 19/2 pints of punch in the bowl now.

So, there are 19/2 pints or 9 1/2 pints of punch in the bowl now.

U don't know who I am.