A right circular cone has a volume of 100 cubic inches. What shape should it be in order to have the smallest lateral surface area? Find the results of the volume is V cubic inches.

To determine the shape that minimizes the lateral surface area of a right circular cone, we need to understand the relationship between the volume and lateral surface area of a cone.

The volume (V) of a cone can be calculated using the formula:
V = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h,

where r is the radius of the base of the cone, and h is the height of the cone.

The lateral surface area (A) of a cone can be calculated using the formula:
A = π * r * s,

where s is the slant height of the cone.

To find the shape that minimizes the lateral surface area, we can use the volume (V) of the cone, which is given as 100 cubic inches:

100 = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h.

First, rearrange the volume formula to solve for h:
h = (3 * V) / (π * r^2).

Substitute this value for h into the formula for lateral surface area, A:
A = π * r * s,
A = π * r * sqrt(r^2 + h^2).

Now substitute the expression for h into the formula for A, using the rearranged volume equation:
A = π * r * sqrt(r^2 + ((3 * V) / (π * r^2))^2),
A = π * r * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4)).

To minimize the lateral surface area, we want to find the minimum value of A. We will differentiate A with respect to r and set it equal to zero to find the critical points:

dA/dr = π * (2r * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4))) + π * r * (0.5 * (r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4))^(-0.5)) * (2 * (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^3)),
0 = 2r * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4)) + (r * (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^3 * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4)))),
0 = 2r * ((π^2 * r^4 + 9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4 * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4)))) + ((9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^2 * sqrt(r^2 + (9 * V^2) / (π^2 * r^4)))),
0 = 2r * (π^2 * r^4 + 9 * V^2) + (9 * V^2 * r^4) / (π^2 * r^2),
0 = 2r * (π^2 * r^4 + 9 * V^2) + (9 * V^2 * r^2),
0 = r * (2 * (π^2 * r^4 + 9 * V^2) + 9 * V^2),
r * (2π^2 * r^4 + 27 * V^2) + 9 * V^2 = 0.

Solving for r is quite complex and involves solving a quintic equation, which is generally not straightforward. However, we can analyze the equation to determine its properties.

We know r cannot be negative or zero since it represents the radius of the cone's base. We also know that V is positive (100 cubic inches in this case). Therefore, the equation implies that the lateral surface area will be minimized when r is minimized.

Since the minimum nonzero value for r is 0. At this hypothetical point, the cone would be reduced to a flat plane, which does not form a valid cone.

Therefore, we cannot have a right circular cone with a volume of 100 cubic inches which minimizes the lateral surface area.