New Orleans has highest elevation of 25, lowest -8. Long Beach has highest 360, lowest -7. Which city has an average elevation of -2? How do you calculate that?

done, look at Dan's problem below.

Are you switching names?

Sorry my husband posted too ha! We think alike! It must be a common core thing because its a problem on homework from school.

To calculate the average elevation of a city, you need to sum up the highest and lowest elevations and then divide the result by 2.

Let's calculate the average elevation for both New Orleans and Long Beach:

For New Orleans:
Highest elevation = 25
Lowest elevation = -8

Sum of highest and lowest elevations = 25 + (-8) = 17

Average elevation for New Orleans = 17 / 2 = 8.5

For Long Beach:
Highest elevation = 360
Lowest elevation = -7

Sum of highest and lowest elevations = 360 + (-7) = 353

Average elevation for Long Beach = 353 / 2 = 176.5

So, based on the calculations, neither New Orleans nor Long Beach has an average elevation of -2.-