New Orleans has highest elevation of 25, lowest -8. Long Beach has highest 360, lowest -7. Which city has an average elevation of -2?

Also can you please show how you got the answer???

Neither one has an average elevation of -2

Average elevation of Long Beach
= (360 + (-7) )/2
= 176.5 units

You do the other one in the same way to show the question is bogus

To find out which city has an average elevation of -2, we need to find the average of the highest and lowest elevations of each city.

For New Orleans:
Highest elevation = 25
Lowest elevation = -8

To find the average elevation of New Orleans, we add the highest and lowest elevations and divide by 2:
(25 + (-8)) / 2 = 17 / 2 = 8.5

For Long Beach:
Highest elevation = 360
Lowest elevation = -7

To find the average elevation of Long Beach, we add the highest and lowest elevations and divide by 2:
(360 + (-7)) / 2 = 353 / 2 = 176.5

Comparing the average elevations, we see that New Orleans has an average elevation of 8.5, while Long Beach has an average elevation of 176.5. Neither of these cities has an average elevation of -2.

Therefore, neither New Orleans nor Long Beach has an average elevation of -2.