2.   Which of the following statements regarding the outcomes of Mary Ainsworth's strange situation experiments is most accurate? 

A. Ambivalent children may both hit and embrace their mother on her return.
B. Avoidant children cry when the mother returns to the playroom.
C. Disorganized-disoriented behavior precedes a secure attachment.
D. Only two-year-olds are capable of showing a secure attachment.

A. Ambivalent children may both hit and embrace their mother on her return.

To determine the most accurate statement regarding the outcomes of Mary Ainsworth's strange situation experiments, let's take a closer look at each option:

A. Ambivalent children may both hit and embrace their mother on her return.
In Mary Ainsworth's strange situation experiments, ambivalent children tend to show inconsistent behaviors when their mother returns. They may display a mixture of clinging, hitting, and pushing away, which reflects their uncertainty and conflicted emotions. This statement accurately summarizes the behavior of ambivalent children.

B. Avoidant children cry when the mother returns to the playroom.
In Mary Ainsworth's experiments, avoidant children tend to display indifferent behavior when their mother returns to the playroom. They may avoid making eye contact or showing any signs of distress or excitement. Therefore, the statement that they cry when their mother returns is not accurate.

C. Disorganized-disoriented behavior precedes a secure attachment.
Disorganized-disoriented behavior refers to a pattern in which children display confused and inconsistent behavior, such as freezing or showing contradictory actions. It is not accurate to say that this behavior precedes a secure attachment. In fact, disorganized-disoriented behavior is often indicative of a problematic or unresolved attachment relationship.

D. Only two-year-olds are capable of showing a secure attachment.
This statement is not accurate. Mary Ainsworth's strange situation experiments involved children between the ages of 12 to 18 months. The experiments aimed to observe and classify the different attachment styles displayed by infants during separation and reunion with their caregiver. Secure attachment can be observed in children of various ages, not limited to two-year-olds.

Based on the above analysis, the most accurate statement regarding the outcomes of Mary Ainsworth's strange situation experiments is:

A. Ambivalent children may both hit and embrace their mother on her return.

C. Disorganized-disoriented behavior precedes a secure attachment.