How can you use a rate to compare the costs of two boxes of cereal that are different sizes?

fewer dollars per oz or per pound is cheaper per pound of weight gained.

I think that you check their costs, but I'm not sure

Thanks, Damon and Awesome

To use a rate to compare the costs of two boxes of cereal that are different sizes, you need to calculate the cost per unit or cost per ounce of each box. This will allow you to determine which box provides better value for the price. Here's how you can do that:

1. Identify the price of each box of cereal: Let's say Box A costs $4.50 and Box B costs $3.75.

2. Determine the size or weight of each box: Suppose Box A contains 16 ounces of cereal, while Box B contains 12 ounces.

3. Calculate the cost per ounce for each box: Divide the price of the cereal by its weight. For Box A, $4.50 ÷ 16 ounces = $0.28125 per ounce. For Box B, $3.75 ÷ 12 ounces = $0.3125 per ounce.

4. Compare the rates: Since Box A has a lower cost per ounce ($0.28125) compared to Box B ($0.3125), it offers better value for the price.

By comparing the cost per unit or cost per ounce, you can effectively compare the costs of two different-sized boxes of cereal and determine which one is more economical.