1) How does the atomic radius change from left to right across a period in the periodic table?

A) It tends to decrease***
B)It tends to increase
C) It first increases, then decreases
D) It first decreases, then increases

2) What is the charge of a cation?
A) A positive charge***
B) No charge
C) A negative charge
D) The charge depends on the size of the nucleus

3) The metals in groups 1A, 2A, and 3A ____.
A) gain electrons when they form ions
B) all form ions with a negative charge
C) all have ions with a 1+ charge
D) lose electrons when they form ions***

4) Why is the second ionization energy greater than the first ionization energy?
A) It is more difficult to remove a second electron from an atom***
B) The size of atoms increases down a group
C) The size of anions decreases across a period
D) The nuclear attraction from protons in the nucleus decreases

5) Which is the element with the highest electronegativity value?
A) Cesium
B) helium
C) calcium
D) fluroine***

6) What is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state called?
A) nuclear energy
B) ionization energy***
C) shielding energy
D) electronegative energy

7) Which of the following decreases with increasing atomic number in Group 2A?
A) shielding effect
B) ionic size
C) Ionization energy***
D) number of electrons

Thanks! 100%!

1) How does the atomic radius change from left to right across a period in the periodic table?

The correct answer is A) It tends to decrease.

As you move from left to right across a period in the periodic table, the atomic radius generally decreases. This is because as you move from left to right, the number of protons in the nucleus increases, leading to a stronger positive charge. This increased positive charge pulls the electrons closer to the nucleus, reducing the size of the atomic radius.

2) What is the charge of a cation?

The correct answer is A) A positive charge.

A cation is a positively charged ion. It forms when an atom loses one or more electrons, leaving behind more protons than electrons. The difference in the number of protons and electrons results in a positive charge.

3) The metals in groups 1A, 2A, and 3A ____.

The correct answer is D) lose electrons when they form ions.

Metals in groups 1A, 2A, and 3A of the periodic table tend to lose electrons when they form ions. This is because metals have a relatively low number of valence electrons, which are the electrons involved in chemical bonding. By losing these valence electrons, metals achieve a stable electron configuration and form positively charged ions.

4) Why is the second ionization energy greater than the first ionization energy?

The correct answer is A) It is more difficult to remove a second electron from an atom.

The second ionization energy is greater than the first ionization energy because it becomes more difficult to remove a second electron from an already positively charged ion. Once an atom loses its first electron and becomes a positively charged ion, the remaining electrons are held more tightly by the increased positive charge of the ion. Removing a second electron requires overcoming stronger electrostatic forces, resulting in a higher ionization energy.

5) Which is the element with the highest electronegativity value?

The correct answer is D) fluorine.

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond. Among the options given, fluorine has the highest electronegativity value. Fluorine is a highly electronegative element because its nucleus has a strong positive charge, and its outermost electron shell is close to being filled, making it highly attractive to electrons.

6) What is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state called?

The correct answer is B) ionization energy.

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state is called ionization energy. This energy is needed to overcome the electrostatic attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron. Ionization energy is typically measured in units of kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).

7) Which of the following decreases with increasing atomic number in Group 2A?

The correct answer is C) Ionization energy.

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion. In Group 2A, also known as the alkaline earth metals, the ionization energy decreases as the atomic number increases. This is due to the increasing distance between the outermost electrons and the nucleus as you move down the group. As a result, the outermost electrons are held less tightly and require less energy to remove.