When mona was born her father was 25years old What will be the linear equation

f = m+25

Give me answer this question

To find the linear equation related to Mona's birth and her father's age, we need to establish the relationship between their ages.

Let's assume that Mona's current age is represented by "M" and her father's current age is represented by "F". We know that when Mona was born, her father was 25 years old. This means that the age difference between Mona and her father remains constant throughout their lives.

The age difference between Mona and her father can be expressed as: F - M. Since her father was 25 years older than Mona when she was born, we can write the equation as:

F - M = 25

This equation represents the linear relationship between Mona's age (M) and her father's age (F) when she was born.