The freezing point is 0C and 32F, and the boiling point is 100C and 212F, respectively. Find F as a function of C and use this formula to determine the temperature in Fahrenheit corresponding to temperature of 15C.

a. 60F
b. 62F
c. 59F
d. 61F

thank you

F = 1.8C + 32 = 1.8*15 + 32 =

To find F as a function of C, we can use the formula:

F = (C × 9/5) + 32

Now, let's substitute the value of 15C into the formula:

F = (15 × 9/5) + 32
F = (135/5) + 32
F = 27 + 32
F = 59

Therefore, the temperature in Fahrenheit corresponding to 15C is 59F. So, the correct option is:

c. 59F

To find F as a function of C, we can use the formula:

F = (9/5) * C + 32

This formula converts Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Now let's substitute the given temperature of 15C into the formula:

F = (9/5) * 15 + 32
F = 27 + 32
F = 59

Therefore, the temperature in Fahrenheit corresponding to 15C is 59F.

So, the correct answer is c. 59F