Chlorine has two Isotopes with mass number of 35&37.if the relative atomic mass is 35.5, find the percent abudance of

Cl-35(isotope with mass number 35)

35I + 37((100-I)=100*35.5

solve for I, and 100-I


To find the percent abundance of Cl-35, we can use the concept of weighted average.

Let's assume the percent abundance of Cl-35 is x. Since there are only two isotopes of chlorine, the percent abundance of Cl-37 would be 100% - x.

Now, we can calculate the weighted average using the percent abundance and atomic mass of each isotope:

(Percent abundance of Cl-35/100) * (Mass number of Cl-35) + (Percent abundance of Cl-37/100) * (Mass number of Cl-37) = Relative atomic mass

(x/100) * (35) + ((100-x)/100) * (37) = 35.5

35x + 37(100 - x) = 35.5 * 100

Solving this equation will give us the percent abundance of Cl-35.

35x + 3700 - 37x = 3550

-2x = -150

x = 75

The percent abundance of Cl-35 is 75%.