I have to search and compare these civilization...

・pre 20th century Japan

It's my Social Studies project😲💦
Would you recommend me some good websites in English?

Did historical Japan have good roads? Did the Incas?

How were each governed?
How did they communicate with other nations?

Just for fun:



Certainly! Here are some reliable websites in English that can provide you with information about pre-20th century Japan and the Incan civilization:

1. Ancient History Encyclopedia (https://www.ancient.eu/) - This website offers well-researched articles on various ancient civilizations, including Japan and the Incas. You can find detailed information about their history, culture, and society.

2. Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities) - Khan Academy provides educational resources on various subjects, including history. They have extensive content on pre-modern Japan and the Incan civilization, including videos and articles.

3. Ancient Civilizations (https://www.ancient-civilizations.com/) - This website offers comprehensive information on ancient civilizations worldwide. You can find specific sections for both pre-20th century Japan and the Incas, providing detailed insights into their history and culture.

4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/) - Although primarily focused on art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art's website has a vast amount of information on ancient civilizations. You can explore their "Timeline of Art History" section to find articles related to both the Incan civilization and pre-20th century Japan.

Remember, it's always a good idea to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and get a well-rounded understanding of the civilizations you're studying.