What does the greater common factor, in this case 12, represent in terms of cupcakes. It means that I have 3 boxes with 4 cupcakes in each box. I am representing 2x2x3. I drew 3 boxes each box is representing 2x2. The three boxes represent the 3

I want to know if I solve it correctly.

Question is, what does the greatest common factor,in this case 12,represents in cupcakes. My answer I solve it by drawing 3 boxes with 4 cupcakes in each box. It represents 2x2x3. The 3 boxes represent the 3.2x2 is represented by the four cupcakes in each box. I want to know if my reasoning is correct.

The greatest common factor (GCF) represents the largest factor that two or more numbers have in common. In this case, the GCF is 12, which means that 12 is the largest number that can evenly divide both numbers.

To understand how the GCF relates to cupcakes, let's break down the given information. You have 3 boxes, and each box contains 4 cupcakes. This can be represented as 2x2x3, where the number 2 represents the number of cupcakes in each box, and the number 3 represents the number of boxes.

Now, let's find the GCF of 2x2x3. To determine the GCF, we need to identify the factors that are common to all the numbers being multiplied. In this case, the common factors are 2 and 3.

We can see that the GCF represents the number of cupcakes that can be evenly divided into each box without any leftovers. In other words, if you want to distribute the cupcakes equally among the boxes, you would need 12 cupcakes, as 12 is the largest number that can divide 2, 2, and 3 without leaving any remainder.

To summarize, the GCF of 12 in this case means that if you want to distribute the cupcakes equally among the 3 boxes, each box would contain 4 cupcakes, as 12 is the largest number that can divide 2, 2, and 3 evenly.