why do united states citizens have civic responsibilitys

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United States citizens have civic responsibilities because being a responsible and active citizen is crucial for the overall functioning and well-being of a democratic society. These civic responsibilities are not only legal obligations but also moral and ethical duties that every citizen should fulfill. Some of the key reasons why U.S. citizens have civic responsibilities are:

1. Preservation of Democracy: Citizens have a responsibility to actively participate in the democratic process by voting in elections, engaging in political discussions, and staying informed about current events. This helps to ensure a representative government that reflects the will of the people.

2. Upholding the Rule of Law: Citizens have a duty to obey the laws of their country, as laws provide the framework for maintaining order and protecting the rights and safety of all individuals within the society. Respecting and complying with the law is essential for a functioning and just society.

3. Serving on Juries: Citizens may be called upon to serve on juries during legal proceedings. Participating in the justice system as jurors helps ensure fair trials and upholds the principle of "innocent until proven guilty."

4. Paying Taxes: Citizens have a responsibility to contribute their fair share to the funding of public services and essential government functions. Taxes finance infrastructure, education, healthcare, defense, and other societal needs.

5. Community Engagement: Citizens should actively participate in their communities. This can involve volunteering, joining civic organizations, attending local government meetings, or otherwise working to improve the quality of life for themselves and their fellow citizens.

To understand the specifics of civic responsibilities in the United States, it is advisable to refer to official government resources such as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website, congressional websites, or state and local government websites. These sources will provide comprehensive information on the legal requirements and civic responsibilities that U.S. citizens are expected to fulfill.

Civic Responsibility is defined as the "responsibility of a citizen" (Dictionary.com). It is comprised of actions and attitudes associated with democratic governance and social participation.

Civic Responsibility | Learning to Give

If citizens don't read and listen and think and then VOTE intelligently, what will happen?

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