If a number divided by −64 is increased by −74, the result is −71.

is this correct
y/-64 -74=-71

correct, now solve the equation

To determine if the statement is correct, we can solve the equation and check if it satisfies the given condition.

The equation can be written as:
y / -64 - 74 = -71

First, let's isolate y by bringing -74 to the other side:
y / -64 = -71 + 74

Simplifying the right side of the equation:
y / -64 = 3

Now, to solve for y, let's multiply both sides of the equation by -64:
-64 * (y / -64) = -64 * 3

On the left side, the -64 cancels out the division, leaving us with:
y = -192

So, the solution to the equation is y = -192.

To check if this is correct, we substitute y = -192 back into the original equation and simplify to see if it satisfies the condition:

-192 / -64 - 74 = -71

This can be further simplified to:
3 - 74 = -71

-71 = -71

Since the statement holds true, the solution y = -192 is correct.