What statement best describes Jefferson's attitude toward government?

A. He wanted a larger and more powerful government.
B. He wanted a smaller federal government with reduced taxes, military, and bureaucracy.
C. He believed that a government wasn't needed to run the United States.
D. He wanted to keep government the same as it was under the Federalists.

To determine Jefferson's attitude toward government, we can look at his political beliefs and actions. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was a key figure in the early political history of the country. He is known for his role in drafting the Declaration of Independence and for his contributions to the development of American political philosophy.

Jefferson's attitude toward government can be best described as B. He wanted a smaller federal government with reduced taxes, military, and bureaucracy. He was a proponent of limiting the power of the central government and believed that a smaller government would be more effective in protecting individual liberties and promoting states' rights.

To support this claim, we can look at several examples from Jefferson's presidency. First, he significantly reduced government spending and decreased the size of the military. He also championed the idea of agrarianism and the importance of promoting agriculture as the backbone of the economy. Jefferson sought to limit the influence of the federal government and believed that it should have a more limited role in the lives of individuals.

Overall, Jefferson's attitude toward government can be summarized as favoring limited government, reduced taxes, military, and bureaucracy, and a focus on individual liberties and states' rights.

B. He wanted a smaller federal government with reduced taxes, military, and bureaucracy.

Hello there! I believe the answer is, B!

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